Dhanabalan Consultancy is a Firm which was registered on 2007, got Temporary & Permanent Certificate from SSI, Govt of Tamilnadu for Consultancy services.Also got GST registration certificate on July 2017. Engaging us will enable you to concentrate more on the Business activity and improve it. Since 2008, we have acquired trust of many Clients from several diverse areas such as Hospitals, Schools, Property Developers, Collages, Industries, Restaurants, Show rooms, Software concerns, Security Agencies, Pharmacy, Textiles, etc.
Our Firm is headed by Mr C. B. Jaishankar, who got vast experience in the field since 1997 starting from maintaining records manually. Years of experience helped us to develop a deeper understanding with Client and also with Government Departments.
Regular visits in attending the Proceedings & Hearings with Employees Provident Fund, Regional Office at Madurai, Trichy, Sub Regional Office at Salem and District Offices at Erode & Tirupur etc. Providing support, assistance and attend Inspection with EPF Enforcement Officers. Often visiting to Employees State Insurance, Sub Regional Offices at Madurai, Salem, Inspection Offices at Erode & Tirupur. Interacting with Social Security Officers and assisting to solve the problems on behalf of Employers.
Provide complete guidance with regard to any amendment/changes which take place in the Act. Support in drafting of the replies to the correspondence and keeping Liaison with ESI Department. Provide support and assistance and attend PF Enforcement Officer for the purpose of inspection of records. Make appearance as an authorized representative of the company before the Authority concerned in the event of the proceedings under section 7-A of the EPF and MP Act 1952.